Client Testimonials...


Mary M,

United States of America

“I found the Book Discovery Call session very helpful. The knowledge and information provided encouraged me to begin my own book journey. I have shared this with other writers. This was awesome!”.


Ruby B,

United Kingdom

“I found my sessions with Jennifer to be “a breath of fresh air”. A very positive person who made me feel so much at ease during our times together, and allowed me to just be me. Very understanding and compassionate, who helped me to view my situations in a different light without telling me what to do. Thank you Jennifer for all your help”.


Yemisi A M,

Essex, United Kingdom

“I had personal concerns surrounding work and needed to speak with someone in confidence. The issues that I had really bothered me greatly, and I didn’t know what my next step or action should be. Jennifer’s ability to listen was just what I needed. Very understanding, attentive, non-judgmental, and helped me make the relevant decisions of my next step for my work situations. Thank you for being a “listening ear”.


Brittany L,

Boston, United States of America

“Your book is an answer to my prayers. I know that it was no simple feat to put this together. Thank you for being disciplined enough to do what you knew you were meant to do. You did the right thing. Many will be blessed by your work. Thank you!”.


Roshan P,

Present Truth Nepal Ministry - Nepal

“It was a time when I was feeling discouraged and hopeless regarding support for my Multimedia Ministry Project, as I had reached out to many people for help and only one replied to me, and that was Jennifer. As I read her response to my request, I felt very good and a sigh of relief. It gave me hope. As I continued to correspond with Jennifer, I found in her a genuine love for God and a helping nature for others. Jennifer wanted to help me in whatever way possible with my Ministry and did not request anything back in return.

Jennifer helped me with reconfiguring my Ministry through creating social media pages, a logo, writing and sharing my story, and especially with crowdfunding for my Multimedia Ministry Project. The way she offered up her time was immeasurable and more than any financial support I could have asked for. I was extremely blessed to have her. She is a “Listening Ear” where we can find the way to peace and relief. Jennifer is a great counsellor for everyone, and I thank God for her and the timing she came into my life”.


Marva I,

St. John’s, Antigua

“While on vacation, I found out by email that the company where I have worked for over 13 years had gone bankrupt. I then found myself on vacation being a single parent with a mortgage and no job. I think my mental state may have been seriously compromised had I not had a listening ear to confide in. Quietly and patiently listening to me rant for a while without judgement, my listener will never know how much that was appreciated. Throughout the time, Jennifer was pointing out a few things about my character that I think I always knew but never acknowledged. As a rational-thinking adult, I knew most of the suggestions offered as my next course of action and were absolutely necessary; but hearing it from another rational adult just puts the obvious into perspective. I will always appreciate my listener for that!”.


Anon, London,

United Kingdom

“Your listening skills are wonderful. Your ability to create a safe space for people to express their thoughts, and having the right words to inspire and uplift are truly amazing. I really appreciate the care you take in choosing your words – both written and spoken. I hope anyone who needs a listening ear gets to experience your wonderful gift”.


Michelle P,

United Kingdom

“I just wanted to say a massive thank you for the inspirational talks you gave to the ladies on the Back to Your Future programme. Your generosity of spirit and willingness to go above and beyond did not go unnoticed and was very much appreciated!”.


Apostle Elijah and Pastor Travor,

Galilee School of Evangelism and Entrepreneurship - Uganda, Africa

“At Galilee School of Evangelism and Entrepreneurship in Uganda, we want to take this opportunity to thank you so much Minister Jennifer for taking the time to teach our students on the subject of Purpose and Self-Discovery. We want you to know also that the seed you sowed by sending some of your material on the topic of Purpose and Self-Discovery was so helpful. Thank you so much, and may the Lord bless you and expand you”.


Sue R,

United Kingdom

“When I look back from the first moment I met Jennifer, she made me feel at ease instantly and has such a calming approach to things. I found Jennifer to be warming, and nothing seemed to much for her if I wanted to talk things over about a certain subject or situation. She would always be there as a “Listening Ear” to listen empathically and compassionately in love and give healthy, positive words of advice if asked.

Jennifer is definitely someone I could go to at any time when I feel a pick-me-up, a new direction and a word of encouragement is needed. I would always know that when I spoke with her, I would come away thinking of things in a whole new light and feel more at ease with myself and life. They say “A problem shared is a problem halved” which is definitely true of someone like Jennifer. I am honoured to know Jennifer in so many ways and am thankful for having met her in my life. Thank you!”.


Krystle Marriott,

Change The Art - Hamilton, Ontario

“Jennifer is fully knowledgeable in coaching others. She coaches with sincerity of heart as well as insight. Jennifer was a key figure in the early development of my business in terms of helping to steer it in the right direction. She showed up faithfully with a clear sense of direction. I highly recommend her services. Her assistance in reconfiguring my website and marketing plan has been a great asset. You won’t regret it!!”.


Beatrice G,

London, United Kingdom

“I didn’t want a counsellor, or someone telling me what to do. I was not ready for that. I just needed someone to actively listen and allow me to validate the pain I felt coming out of an abusive marriage. As a professional and someone in a leadership capacity, my close circle was those who looked up to me and it was unheard of and hard to say, “Hey, crap going on and I need some help”. My listener was highly skilled to give me the time and space to let it all out, and the patience to wait until I was ready to progress. I did progress over the best part of a year, and having someone listen was instrumental to that. I would recommend this to anyone who just needs someone to actively listen. Someone with an authentic concern for your concerns”.


Shelly Keating,

Queensland, Australia

“I have come to know Jennifer over the past two years both personally and professionally working and assisting me as an Admin in my Prophetic Art Studio Facebook Group. Through connecting with people from all around the world, Jennifer has a natural ability to resolve situations positively and quickly. She has also contributed to the group conducting interviews, live videos, and holding a live teaching book workshop encouraging potential writers, as a writer and an author herself. It was hugely successful and rewarding to everyone who joined in.

On a more personal level last year in 2021, I was given my first contract to teach in a school after having such a long break since 2014. It was a high school with a high suspension rate. Things were not going well with a student and I was feeling very low and had cried about it. I really needed spiritual guidance and someone to listen to my heart with what I was struggling with. Jennifer helped me find my way back to feeling emotionally confident in just 30 minutes, and ready to teach the 90 students throughout the day. She was amazing, caring, and helped me to remember my true worth and identity. She connected with me and empowered me to fear nothing and face my students from a positive and confident perspective.

I highly recommend Jennifer to everyone. She is someone who sows a lot of her time and energy into others, and I have found her to be very versatile in a variety of circumstances. She listens from the heart. She cares. She offers wisdom that is very helpful to transform your mindset to see things in a different light. Jennifer helps you to discover your true identity, so you can see hope and a new way forward. She is a natural at empowering people, no matter their culture and race. Jennifer goes beyond what others are willing to do”.


Lydia T,

Edmonton, Canada

“God is so good! It seems that this was the exact and right time to read your book. I am about to decide and analyze some issues in my life. I found your book as a lighthouse for me personally. I read it very slowly to take it all in and I did not want to rush it, but rather allowed it to explore my life with where I am at. You mentioned in your book how it is very clear you write your thoughts straight from the heart, and I felt it that way. Also, while reading it, I was listening to your voice in my mind helping me frame your words from the page to my heart. I love the flow and the sequencing of your book. A heavy subject, but you break down and explain your ideas in a way to understand them easily. This was the right time to read it! A beautiful book that is full of wisdom and insight, and I have benefitted beyond explanations. Thank you so much for writing it. Keep writing and God bless you!”.


Amazon Reviewer,

United Kingdom

“A very real and transparent conversation: ★★★★★

The author writes this book in a very personal tone, as though she’s having a conversation with you at a junction in life. She gets straight to the point and allows the space to journal and contribute your thoughts making this book an interactive experience. It is easy to read and gives much intentional pause for thought. Her words give a kind space for reflection and gathering strength to continue on your journey.

In this microwave society of pressures to perform and conform her voice is refreshing. In this age of mass information consumption, a shorter book which allows one to consider each chapter thoughtfully is very much welcomed”.

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